Tuesday, August 29, 2006


The Three Amigos +1

Alright, it's 3:20 and it has already been a pretty eventful day...

1) Today I saw a Japanese military helicopter (I am fairly certain it was an American Blackhawk, but don't quote me) take off from my island. The helicopters themselves are nothing new or unusual to the Daitos. You'll see them fly by from time to time, and originally I thought it was the American military doing training excercises. That is until my friend told me that whenever someone gets seriously injured (basically anything which our tiny clinic can't take care of), the Japanese military gets sent to airlift them to the mainland. Pretty nuts, eh? But as many times as I have seen them (also Huey's, and another type I don't know...) circling the island, I have never actually seen them take off. Judging from the crowd at the airport I am assuming that it was a sugar cane worker who got injured, but I am sure I will hear about it as the gossip mill turns on KD...

2) I can almost guarantee and hysterical entry this Saturday/Sunday. My island has invited a famous Okinawan comedian to come and perform. However, I have a feeling he won't be the only funny thing that night-- or at least for my teachers. You see one of my really good friends on the island, coincidentally the "jokester" of the teachers, decided to prep me for the event. Every time the comedian says something funny, he is going to gently tap me behind my back, and that is my cue to laugh obnoxiously. I am positive this is what he wants because he had me practice it with him while we were out to lunch today. And the louder and more obnoxious my laugh was, the more he approved...

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