Friday, September 30, 2005


If I can remember correctly, this was the "Blue Darts Bar." We wanted to get a quick drink before we went out for the night and figured that a round of darts couldn't hurt either. As we walked through Naha, we saw an advertisement entirely in English for the "Blue Darts Bar." There was not one speck of Hiragana, Katakana, etc. When we went up the bar (it was on the 5th floor) this sign is what greeted us, "Japanese Only." This was single-handedly one of the most frustrating experiences in Japan. IF YOU DON'T WANT GAIJIN COMING TO YOUR DARTS BAR THEN DON'T ADVERTISE SOLELY IN ENGLISH! It was like they wanted to trick us into hiking all the way up the stairs... We joked about stumbling on a Yakuza hang out, but when we told a few Okinawan friends they told us that the "Japanese Only" sign was more likely to be directed at military personel than tourists. Posted by Picasa