Friday, October 14, 2005


An Abandoned Boat
Some updates:

Back in Ohio-If you all see, hear from or talk to Ben; send him some love. His mom's fiancee (sp?) died the other day in the hospital.

It looks like I will be spending this Christmas at an orphanage in India running an English camp with a few other JET's. I should be back in Naha for New Year's Eve, so if you want to meet up, don't hesitate to call, etc.

I am not sure how many more international calls I will be able to make. I went to pay my phone bill yesterday and the clerk literally screamed when she saw it. That's probably how I should have re-acted as well...

And finally, I may have just re-contracted for next year on Kita Daito! My boss randomly showed me a flurry of paperwork to that extent and had me sign the letter of intent in front of him -within five minutes of him showing it to me. So we will see, the principal has the final say on such issues, and if there are policy/budget changes for the next academic year, that could make it an entirely different ball game. Posted by Picasa