Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Here's a thatched house on KD.
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Here is Kiyome, owner of "The Breese," and Kocho-sensei. Kiyome is extremely nice and cooked me dinner once when she thought I was loosing too much weight. Kocho-sensei is also one of the best people I have met on KD. He speaks English extremely well and has always been extremely kind and helpful.
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Kyoto-sensei, easily one of the coolest and nicest people on KD. He loves jazz and plays the trumpet really well, but one of the coolest things about him is: although he is Japanese he speaks Japanese as a second language. He spent the first 11 years of his life in Bolivia. Cool, huh?
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Here's Kinjo-san, Moto Aki, and Koari-sensei at the PTA party. Moto Aki and Koari are both teachers and Kinjo-san is in charge of all things sumo on the island.
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Some people may wonder why I affectionately refer to my kindergarten class as "the lion's den." I believe this picture, although blury, says it all.
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Nakamine-san, he is my immeadiate boss and my first contact with the KD B.O.E. He is a really nice guy with a great sense of humor.
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Shiroma-san, my head boss, former Sumo champ, and one of the only people on Daito taller than me; he is definitely a good guy.
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Katsuya decked out as a king for the 6th grade play.
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Third graders anxiously awaiting their performance.
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Here are my first-graders waiting to perform at the cultural festival.
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The results from the most recent Biology field trip on the island. These are some of my six-legged friends here on KD.
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Well, if you put cavity prevention that way... Pay special attention to the tooth in the middle, ha!
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Here's Paul, the mad Irish-Canadian bartender of Naha. In other words, a good friend.
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This is Uama-San, he is the head fisherman of the island and the guy I go pearl diving with. It's no wonder he used to be a former sumo-champ.
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